My long holiday

By | 11:17 AM Leave a Comment
This time i have taken a week long vacation, i think the last time i did that was in december. I started off to Shimoga - took a flight to Hubli, then a bus ride to Harihar, and another bus ride from there to Shimoga. I was surprised at the malls that are coming up at Hubli. Saw a Big Bazaar store there as well. Is he trying to pull the same strategy that Walmart did? The bus rides too were pleasantly surprising. The conductors use a hand-held printer to print tickets instead of the usual pre-printed tickets we're used to. Wonder if it is faster or more efficient than before. Maybe its just to make sure that accurate accounting is maintained.

When i landed in Shimoga it was wonderful! The weather is just fantastic here, a little chilly with little drops of rain always drizzling down, not too much to keep you off the road, but enough to remind you that its about to rain. Today i started the day with four masala dosas, yep .. four. Most amazing home made dosas. Im off to Bangalore on Tuesday night. Will try to add pictures from there.