My cooking experience

By | 2:27 AM 1 comment
I say if you want to be fed right, you gotta know how to make it yourself. So here's my first attempt at cooking. I attempted a veg curry, really easy to make. But you need to be good to get it right.

Here's me in the process of cooking. The thing about getting it right is knowing when to go check on it. I mean everyone can follow a few simple rules on cooking, but if you dont check on it at the right time, the pan will take over.. muwaahahahahaha. On the left you can see the master at work. Use a wooden spoon. Dont think that there is no spoon (haha.. a little joke from the Matrix). sorry guys.

Oh I went and saw this movie called Music and Lyrics, really awesome. Murgi has much in common with the dude. Except that he plays death metal that wont get him a chick lyrisist. Learn from Hugh Grant Murgi. Otherwise I think he can kick the brits on comedy anyday. If you havent seen the movie, go watch it.

This is how the thing turned out.
I think its come out well... hehe.

But it isnt over till you serve it properly... i was told. Apparently the Japs know how to serve a meal. Gotta go try that sometime.

Well a meal this good must be followed by dessert.

What a day. I just finished eating the left overs of this curry. 24 hrs later... or maybe 48. If its this good, who can complain.